Petri Hakasaari Aidosti Loviisalainen


“Although I am genuinely from Loviisa, it is important to me that the services of our welfare area in Itä-Uusimaa continue to be smooth and cost-effective using common sense.

Together we can achieve much more. “

-Petri Hakasaari


My relationship with Loviisa dates back to 1977. The best thing about Loviisa is the people in it. How people come together for the common good, how the sense of community is so strong and so natural. From the environment so well preserved, small shops, charming and inviting restaurants, from its diversity of cultures without harming its cultural heritage, I tell you this – there is no way not to fall in love with this city. Loviisa, the city I chose to build my life, career and family.

Kokoomus Petri Hakasaari-Loviisa

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